The PTO is composed of school parents, staff, the pastor, and the principal. Its objective is to encourage high standards for family and community life. The PTO also focuses on fundraising, providing services and programs, and supporting the faculty and staff. Every family member is automatically a PTO member and is encouraged to attend the monthly meetings, held on the second Tuesday of each month.
President - Lisa Heitz
President-Elect - Jen Ingala
Treasurer - Michala Polterra
Treasurer-Elect - Lisa Simma
Secretary - Wendy Lynn
New Information Coming Soon!
Snack & Prizes Needed: Students will have the opportunity to win prizes and eat snack while they are dancing & playing at Dance-a-ton. If you are interested in – please see the Sign-up Genius: https://www.
Volunteers Needed: We are also in need of parent volunteers throughout the week leading up to Dance-a-thon to help organize raffle tickets & decorate, and during the event to help man the concession stand and game stations. If you are interested in volunteering - please see the Sign-Up Genius: https://www.
Dance-a-thon Sponsorships & Donations - Check Out All Our Awesome Sponsors!
We look forward to another successful Dance-a-thon! Questions? Contact goodshepherddanceathon@gmail.
Scrip stands for substitute money. Good Shepherd families buy the certificates for full face value, then redeem them full face value. The listed rebate is split between the PTO and the family purchasing the cards. You earn money for Good Shepherd and yourself without spending a single additional penny. Rebates are returned at Check-in Day the following year. Watch the school newsletter for SCRIP turn-in days.
Monthly PTO Meetings - 2nd Tuesday of Each Month 6:30 PM