The Good Shepherd Student Council is an organization made up of students who actively work for the student body. Council members organize spirit-building activities as well as community service opportunities for the students.
The council is made up of grade representatives as well as an executive board.
President: Parker MacInnis
Vice President: Evelyn Swan
Treasurer: Afrika Romo
Public Relations: Truman Peppers
Secretary: Ruby Becker
Class Representatives:
Emma Chou
Remzie MacPherson
Bobby Burns
Lucy Bleckman
Collete Provost
Allison Dreiling
Davis Foster
MacKenzie Patrick
Kolbe Teeter
Cam Reyes
MJ Talboy
Anna Lien
Bennett Daly
Raylan White
Annabelle Lilja
Colton Wagner
Levi Lilja
Sam Ahlstedt
Leah Hickey
Jai Shum
Josh Gast